Nureva Inc.

Statement of Intellectual Property

Dated May 4 2022

Portions of the Nureva™ Nureva.GatewayService™ software utilize or include third-party software and other copyrighted material (collectively, 'Third-Party Software'), including, but not limited to, the third-party software and material identified below. Your use of such Third-Party Software is governed by the licensing terms, acknowledgements, disclaimers and waivers (collectively the 'Terms') applicable to such Third-Party Software. Copies of the Terms listed below are available from Nureva Inc. upon payment of a reasonable fee.

Third Party Software Version License Type License
Nureva.DeviceGateway 1.0.43
Nureva.DeviceGateway 1.0.42
Nureva.FeatureFlag.Service 1.0.5
Swashbuckle AspNetCore 5.3.0 MIT
Nureva Rest 1.0.12
Microsoft Extensions Logging Debug 3.1.0 Apache 2
Nureva ServiceBus 1.0.26
Microsoft VisualStudio Web CodeGeneration Design 3.1.0 Apache 2
Microsoft Extensions Configuration AzureKeyVault 3.1.0 Apache 2
Microsoft CodeAnalysis FxCopAnalyzers 2.9.8 Apache 2